Q1: How did you become a creator?
Actually accidentally! My account was private until February and I found myself a bit bored with Instagram so I decided to make it public and have a bit of fun! Within 2 months I had gained so many new followers!
Q2: What inspires your posts?
Mainly knowing that they may encourage families to get out there and have fun! We spend so much time planning our days out and if we inspire just a few families to do the same than I’m happy!
Q3: What has been your biggest challenge as a creator?
I think keeping on top of engagement can be really time consuming but equally, isn’t that the point of social media?
Q4: And your biggest achievement?
Knowing that my account has helped small businesses. Two UK celebrities have booked a teepee company and a party decor company based on seeing my posts. This in turn has helped them with growth too. It just goes to show, it doesn’t matter how small you think your account is, it can still be impactful.
Q5: What would be your advice to anyone wanting to become a creator?
Stick with what you know and be true to your own life. You will hugely struggle for time to create content unless it is something quite honest to your actual lifestyle.

Q6: Your fave Instagram filter?
So. Here goes.. I don’t use filters! Eeek! I know, so anti Instagram isn’t it? We use raw photos because most are of my daughter and she doesn’t need filtering. But also because I’ve been on Instagram for 5 years, I’ve seen the trends come and go. From the cropping of photos to the orange twinge, they never last that long and ultimately will make your account look messy once you move on.
Q7: Your fave Instagrammers?
I’m loving @sophielassman and @thelondonmommy at the moment. Her rants are the best!
Q8: Which camera/lighting techniques do you use?
I use my iPhone X and use a light ring when required. But otherwise, I try and use natural lighting because it looks best.
Q9: What’s your hashtag strategy?
I tend to use the same ones but every time I post I will click on each hashtag I have used and like the last 10 posts.
Q10: The best thing about being a creator is…
Two things; definitely the opportunities it has given us but also knowing that we have inspired people too.
Thank you Andrea! Check out her lovely feed here: @andrea.ita.garcia