Creator Q&A @saramoback shares her story & tips
Interview by KATHRYN CANE

Q1: How did you become a creator?
I’ve been an influencer for a few years and it all started when I was living in Los Angeles in 2011, where I studied. I started to blog a few years ago, and back then, I wasn’t as open (at all) about my diabetes. Somehow, I heard about a guy back in Sweden who blogged about his diabetes… but not in a good way. He told his followers that diabetes was the worst thing that had happened to him, it wasn’t possible to practice physical sports, it was difficult to travel, difficult to meet a partner, it was tough for his social life with friends/parties, etc. I was shocked, and couldn’t get this out of my mind. All I was thinking about was that everything he said wasn’t true. My diabetes hadn’t negatively affected my life – I had moved to the United States, I was training actively, I had no trouble meeting new friends and being accepted, and I could definitely go to a party and enjoy life.
This was the starting point for me. I wanted to share my take on it and tell other diabetics that what prevents you from doing things that you want to do is yourself and your thoughts.
Q2: What inspires your posts?
I guess my followers inspires me. The Diabetes community is such a great place, and to get DMs and messages from people around the world is an inspiration itself. I also get inspired by other influencers and try to adapt their mindset to my own “diabetes-posts”. I love it and I am inspired that my feed is helping others to think “positive” about a life with a chronic disease.
Q3: What has been your biggest challenge as a creator?
My biggest challenge as a creator is to see all the work I am doing, and to realise that my platform is making an impact on others. It’s easy (for me) to think or believe that what I’m doing is not good
Q4: And your biggest achievement?
My biggest achievement is that I have the best support ever (my followers). It is like we are a big family and that I have friends all over the world – it is absolutely fantastic!
Q5: What would be your advice to anyone wanting to become a creator?
I think it’s a tricky question, and one I’ve asked other people. Truly, be you. In the end it will reflect who you are and if you’re trying to be someone else, your followers will see that. If you don’t, for example, like to cook – don’t do it. It should be a platform where you post things that you actually like!

Q6: Your fave Instagram filter?
I don’t use the Instagram filters – maybe I should? I use Lightroom and VSCO for improvements.
Q7: Your fave Instagrammers?
OMG, there are so many! But I really love Paloma @Glitterglucose. She seems to be so genuine and what she does and posts is just amazing (it was the best compliment when a follower told me that I am the “Swedish version of Paloma”!). I love also @Paigearminta. She is an inspiring creator with good content.
Q8: Which camera/lighting techniques do you use?
I use my iPhone for pictures and my Sony A6400. I use Lightroom on some of the pictures and to make sure it is “light” enough. It’s so hard because I live in a country where it isn’t sunny everyday 😉
Q9: What’s your hashtag strategy?
Because I am in the “Diabetes-world” I love # that are relatable to diabetes and what my picture is showing. I think that it is good to use # for posts that are relevant for what you would like to say or if you would like to find more followers. Not really sure if that’s working, but it’s something!
Q10: The best thing about being a creator is…
I can be myself! If I am having a bad day, I can share that and vice versa. I can be as creative as I like, and I love that I can get out of “the box” and be as crazy as I want.
Thanks so much Sara – you can follow her inspiring journey here.
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