InfluBase Blog
The latest updates and best practices from InfluBase

Creator Q&A @lifewith2tots shares her story & tips
Sharing her creator story with us this week is mum of two and beauty lover Natalie…

Creator Q&A @glitzandglamourmakeup18 shares her story and tips
Beauty and lifestyle blogger and creator Kathy shares her story…

Why brands pay influencers to boost Instagram posts
How can brands reach further outside of an influencers existing following to an even more targeted market? That’s where the opportunity to boost Instagram posts comes in.
Instagram sells out tennis star’s jackets
Instagram’s focus on sports commerce is indicative of a broader focus on selling, in fact it may be one of the platform’s savviest moves to date.
CREATOR Q&A @younglondonist share their story & tips
The Young Londoner is created by a small team of passionate Londoners looking to inform and enlighten little residents in the capital about events, places and people. Read about their Insta story and tips…
Influencer marketing is growing fast – why?
In today’s vlog from Gymbox – Influencer marketing is becoming a heavyweight marketing contender, according to a new Adage study. Brand of the week is $100m start up My Muscle Chef and the best influencer channel revealed.
Creator Q&A @mumforce shares her story & tips
Lifestyle and Parenting Blogger – Gail shares her journey and tips…
Micro-influencers trusted by Gen Z says new research
A new study looking into whether millennials and generation z trust what influencers recommend, indicates influencer marketing has a very promising future.
CREATOR Q&A @forstylewepray
The blond who loves lux fashion, beauty, equal rights & traveling, shares her journey and tips…
Average price per Instagram post up 44%
New analysis finds that the average price being paid per Instagram post to influencers has leapt 44% in the past year (2018-2019)
Creator Q&A @becky_b_croft
Food and Gaming Blogger – Becky shares her journey and tips…
UGC adding value to influencer campaigns
A new report reveals that marketers extract more value from their investment into influencer marketing by repurposing influencer generated content elsewhere
InfluBase is a micro influencer agency based in Soho, London. We bring creators and marketeers together to create powerful partnerships.
InfluBase is a division of ContentStars Ltd.
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